CrikIT's latest feature allows you to use dynamic forms and workflows to set up a waiver.

Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Admin -> Dynamic Forms

Step 2: You can create/add a new form

Dynamic Form allows you to create a variety of different forms to collect information, track users who have filled the forms. You can create a form using any of the options. Give a form name and then select options you want in the form. When you are setting up the form you will get a preview below as well. 

For example to setup a waiver form for Covid or anything else you can select Radio button and then give a unique key name and then in the Label field enter the waiver details. You need to make this option required so that players complete it when the waiver form is served to them while login in or registering on the website. 

Step 3 : Add form to the workflow 

One the form is saved then you need to add the form to the workflow so that members/players can see it and accept the waiver form. 

Once you click on the icon above in the yellow box then you can select the workflow as shown below. For waiver select the waiver workflow

How club admins can see who has signed the waiver : 

  • When the waiver form is enabled, the club admin will be able to see the members who have accepted the waiver in Club Admin Member Page

  • Only players who have linked their user account with the club will show up correctly!


To fix this:

Club Admin -> Edits and adds email address. If the email address already exists, then just click Edit and Save.

This will send an email to the member.

Note: If you don’t see the NO button, the member is linked and they just haven’t accepted the waiver

Member Responsibility

  • Once the member receives an email, it will contain a link to the league website. 
  • Member clicks on the link and navigates to the league website. If a member has an existing login, use that or create a new one.
  • Go to My Profile and accept the waiver
  • If you haven’t signed the waiver, the league will prompt you with a notification on the site.