You can create an app-like icon for your league/club's progressive web app (PWA) by simply visiting the league/club site in Safari.

Note: Only Safari supports this feature on iOS. Third-party browsers available on App Store (including Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Edge) are not allowed to “install” PWAs.

Note: Please keep in mind that mobile Safari won’t launch PWAs properly unless you enable Service Workers under Experimental WebKit Features in Settings → Safari (as a matter of fact, enable all experimental features in Safari). 

Check out the attached GIF to see the entire workflow of how it works.

Andriod Phones

You can create an app-like icon for your league/club's progressive web app (PWA) by simply visiting the league/club site in Chrome. A notification will pop up guiding you to add the App to your home screen. 

Note: If you accidentally dismiss it, a fresh session will prompt you again. Otherwise, you can start the install from the three-dot menu > “Add to Home screen”. 

Check out the attached GIF to see the entire workflow of how it works.